Lush Banner Blog

How To Take Care and Maintain Your Canopy Tent Part 3: Weather Conditions

Written by Andrea Gibbs | Creative Growth Lead + Senior Display Consultant

Written By: Griffin Miller | Senior Graphic Designer + Customer Care Specialist
Fact Checked By: Andrea Gibbs | Marketing & Automations Lead + Graphic Designer




Welcome to the final installment of our blog series on maintaining your Custom Canopy Tents! Part Three is all about navigating various weather conditions to ensure your canopy tent stands strong and represents your brand flawlessly at every event. From sunny days to rainy weather, we’ll provide expert insights on how to adapt and utilize your custom canopy tent to make the most out of every marketing opportunity. Let’s embrace the elements and showcase your brand with confidence!

Keep Your Canopy Tent Safe in Windy Weather

Our special custom printed canopy tents are designed to uphold the highest levels of canopy safety in extreme weather. We have a wide range of accessories that will keep your tent and other display items safe during these conditions. These include sandbags, weighted plates, ground ropes, and many other top rated devices.

We can offer you a special set of safety rope and 4 ground nails. This will give your custom pop up tents an extra level of stability. All you have to do is hammer the nails into the ground in front of the tent. Then tie the frame onto the ground nails by using the rope. This will keep your pop up tent firmly in place on a windy day.

Our heavy duty sandbags and weighted plates are perfect for keeping your tent safe on concrete or other hard surfaces. We can sell you a set of 4 extra heavy duty sandbags that weight between 70 to 90 pounds. This will give your pop up display tent plenty of extra weight. As a result, it won’t blow away under even the strongest high winds.

We also have a full range of other items that are designed to keep your tent and the people inside them safe under all conditions. Check out site to get the full scoop on each and every one of these special safety items. Our goal is always to give you the best possible customer service while making sure to sell goods of the highest quality.

Keep Your Tent Safe During Rainy Weather

Another type of rough weather that you need to be concerned about is rain. A simple shower is one thing. But if your event is visited by a heavy thunderstorm, you’ll need to take precautions. One of the best ways to do so is make sure that you are using trade show display tents that are built to stand up to and survive a heavy storm.

One of the best items you can buy to ensure this will be our special canopy awning kit. This innovative new kit has all that you will need to add a fully sized awning to the side of your tent. The design is stylish but fully functional. It’s an essential canopy maintenance item that no serious business owner can afford to be without.

The frame of each canopy is made of industrial grade aluminum. The canopy can fit tent walls sizes including 8 feet, 10 feet, and 15 feet. The material is printed 600D Oxford cloth that is designed to be waterproof and resistant to flames. The item is backed with a full warranty of guaranteed quality that comes directly from us to you.


Our custom printed canopy rain gutters are designed to keep rain from settling on the top of your tent. This is an essential canopy care item that you will need to have handy in case of a rainstorm during an outdoor event. It can save you a great deal of discomfort.


These specially designed rain gutters are made of printed 600D thick oxford cloth. Each comes with a full color customized display. You can order them to fit tents ranging in size from 5 to 20 feet. Each gutter weighs roughly 1 to 2 pounds and are fully waterproofed and fire resistant. Discount rates are available to order in bulk.


Don't Use Tents in Blizzards or Winter Storms

It should go without saying that you should never set up an outdoor canopy or other display item during a blizzard or other type of winter storm. The first rule of canopy safety is to make sure that you don’t put yourself or anyone else in danger.

You also want to protect the extensive investment that you have made in your display items. A rough winter storm can do severe damage to the fabric and graphics of your display items.

Don't Set Up a Tent in a Hurricane

Never set up a canopy during hurricane weather. If you have warning that one is coming, it’s best to tear everything down and put it safely into storage. This will be the best way to keep from losing both your property and the money you have spent on it. It’s also the best way to avoid criminal action or lawsuits.

You don’t want to be responsible for a canopy that can blow away in a strong wind. This will do damage to the frame and also be a hazard to people in the area. Pay attention to incoming weather reports so that you won’t get caught unaware when a major storm comes to your area.

Always Pay Attention to Incoming Weather Conditions

It will be up to you to do all in your power to make sure that you observe incoming weather conditions. These can make or break your next outdoor event or trade show. For this reason, you need to give the utmost level of respect to the weather. If you think that a heavy blizzard or thunderstorm is incoming, it’s best to reschedule your event.

Always make sure to display the utmost level of caution when setting up or tearing down your canopies. Keep in mind that 80 percent of the damage done to the graphics on your display items will occur in the midst of situations precisely like these. For this reason, it’s always a good idea to know upfront what weather conditions will be.

Canopy Maintenance is Easier Than Ever

When it comes to creating top quality trade show flags and banners, you won’t find a better deal than the one we offer. This is all the more true when it comes to our specially customized canopy tents and other display items. For state of the art quality combined with expert canopy care, we are the recognized experts in the field.